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Brighten Your Smile Today

patient being treated by dentist

Understanding Teeth Stains

How Teeth Whitening Works

woman smiling
man smiling

During the teeth whitening procedure:

The Many Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

Choosing professional teeth whitening at Tartan Dental offers several advantages over over-the-counter products:

Safe and Controlled Process

Our teeth whitening treatments are carefully supervised by our experienced dentists, ensuring that the process is safe, effective, and tailored to your specific needs.

Dramatic Results

Professional teeth whitening can significantly whiten your teeth, removing deep stains and discolouration that may not respond to over-the-counter products.

Customized Treatment

We take into account your dental history and specific concerns to provide a customized teeth whitening plan that achieves the results you desire.

Long-Lasting Effects

With proper care and maintenance, the results of professional teeth whitening can last much longer than over-the-counter treatments.
mom and son smiling while their are hugging

Opalescence Teeth Whitening

Pola Teeth Whitening

woman brushing teeth
young woman smiling

Trust in the Expertise of Tartan Dental

Exceptional Care with Cutting-Edge Technology

a woman standing next to a woman holding a folder

Scheduling Accommodations

Relaxing Treatment Suites

a woman sitting in a chair talking to a dentist
a woman getting her teeth checked by a dentist

Advanced Dentistry

Say Hello to Our Smile Experts

Dr. Edmond Sze

Dr. Edmond Sze

Dr. Roberto Gallardo

Dr. Roberto Gallardo

We find great joy in dentistry and are proud to help people. Whether it's relieving pain or restoring healthy smiles, our team is dedicated to making a positive impact
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Patient Comfort

We understand that dental visits can be intimidating for some patients, which is why we go the extra mile to ensure your comfort throughout your treatment. Our team will explain each step of the process, listen to your concerns, and take measures to make your experience as comfortable as possible.

Exceptional Experiences

Our dedication to delivering exceptional experiences sets us apart. From the moment you enter our practice to the completion of your treatment, we are committed to providing you with the highest level of care, professionalism, and attention to detail. Our goal is to exceed your expectations and ensure your satisfaction with every visit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is teeth whitening safe?

Yes, professional teeth whitening, when performed by experienced dentists, is considered safe and effective. It is essential to follow the dentist's instructions and not overuse whitening products to avoid potential side effects such as tooth sensitivity.

What causes teeth to become stained or discoloured?

Teeth can become stained or discoloured due to various factors, including:

  • Consuming dark-coloured foods and drinks like coffee, tea, red wine, and berries.
  • Smoking or using tobacco products.
  • Poor oral hygiene leading to plaque and tartar buildup.
  • Natural aging, as the outer layer of enamel wears down over time.

What are the benefits of professional teeth whitening?

Professional teeth whitening offers several advantages, including:

  • Dramatic results with noticeable improvement in the brightness of your teeth.
  • Safe and controlled treatment supervised by experienced dentists.
  • Customized treatment plans to address individual needs and concerns.
  • Long-lasting effects with proper care and maintenance.

How long does a teeth whitening procedure take?

The duration of the teeth whitening procedure can vary depending on the type of treatment. In-office whitening treatments typically take about 60 to 90 minutes, while at-home whitening may require several weeks of daily use.

Are there different types of teeth whitening treatments available?

Yes, there are different types of teeth whitening treatments available, including:

  • In-office Whitening: Done at the dental office, this procedure offers immediate and significant results in a single session.
  • At-home Whitening: Dentists provide custom-made trays and whitening gel for use at home over a period of time. This option allows for more gradual results.

Can I whiten my teeth at home using over-the-counter products?

While over-the-counter whitening products are available, professional teeth whitening treatments offer more effective and predictable results. Dentists use higher-strength whitening agents and customized trays to achieve optimal outcomes.

Will teeth whitening cause sensitivity?

Teeth sensitivity may occur during or after teeth whitening, but it is usually temporary. Professional whitening systems, such as Opalescence and Pola, are formulated to minimize sensitivity and provide a comfortable experience.

How long will the results of teeth whitening last?

The longevity of teeth whitening results depends on various factors, including your oral hygiene habits, diet, and lifestyle choices. With proper care, professional teeth whitening results can last for several months to a couple of years.

Can anyone undergo teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is generally safe for most individuals with healthy teeth and gums. However, it may not be suitable for pregnant or nursing women, individuals with severe tooth sensitivity, or those with certain dental conditions. It is essential to consult with a dentist to determine if teeth whitening is right for you.

How do I maintain the results of teeth whitening?

To maintain the results of teeth whitening, practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly. Avoid or limit consumption of staining foods and drinks, and consider touch-up treatments as recommended by your dentist.

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Cleveland Clinic

Teeth Discoloration

Tooth discoloration is when the color of your teeth changes.
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How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

Everyone loves a bright, white smile, but most people don’t have the brilliant teeth made popular by Hollywood.
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Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is ideal for people who have healthy, unrestored teeth (no fillings) and gums.
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